
Friday, August 18, 2006

Campaign Against Climate Change (Scotland)

Campaign Against Climate Change (Scotland)

NOTE: The planning consultation on the expansion of the runway in Aberdeen is now closed. Thank you for all those who sent in objection letters!

We are planning a series of events/meetings this autumn:

We will continue our campaign against Aberdeen airport expansion.

We will take part in the National Day of Action Against Climate Change on Saturday, 16th September, with street action/theatre, leafletting and banners.

We will hold a public meeting about the dangers and challenges of climate change on Monday, 9th October, 7.30 pm (venue to be confirmed), with a panel of speakers.

We will be holding a joint public meeting with Christian Aid on Wednesday, 18th October, 7.30 pm at Aberdeen Art Centre. Marjorie Clark, Area Co-Ordinator with Christian Aid will present their new report 'The Climate of Poverty'.

We will continue to do outreach, have stalls, raise awareness of climate change and what people can do about it - and we take part in the largest ever climate change demonstration in the UK on 4th November!

If anybody knows of a group (trade union, church group, residents' group, etc) which would like a speaker about climate change, please let us know! And we can definitely do with more people helping out - even if you can just put out a few leaflets on occasions, put up a poster, etc.

The NGO Coalition Stop Climate Chaos (of which our Campaign is a member) will be organising coaches to the London Climate Change Demonstration on 4th November, and we hope lots of people from Aberdeen will be able to go!


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