
Monday, January 22, 2007

Write now to object to the Western Peripheral Route

Write now to object to the Western Peripheral Route!

The proposed Western Peripheral Route will cost many hundreds of millions of pound, lead to massive greenbelt development and will generate more traffic overall, which means more greenhouse gas emissions - at a time when we really need to cut our emissions very fast and steeply.

Some local politicians and some of the media seem to think that such a road will reduce congestion and therefore reduce emissions. The local group Road Sense, and Friends of the Earth Aberdeen, have compiled good evidence as to why this will not be the case. However, the same argument has been made many times in many cities and countries, and invariably road building increases traffic and congestion levels get back to what they were and then higher very quickly. As has happened in Newbury.

We do not need more traffic, but we need those hundreds of millions of pounds to build a low-carbon energy and transport system!

Please write your letter objection before 9th February. See the Road Sense website for full details of the address, how to write the letter, and which points you could include: .


At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Minister for Transport announced a revised route for the Aberdeen bypass. After 12 years of objection to the "Murtle" route it was a relief for Camphill Aberdeen City and Shire, although the threat is not completely averted.

The huge support motivated by the Save Camphill campaign clearly helped to persuade the authorities that the "Murtle" route – which would have impacted severely on two 400-strong communities – was the one that Camphill could not live with.

However, the new route passes close to Camphill Rudolf Steiner Shools' Camphill Estate, the original Camphill community which inspired and gave its name to the worldwide Camphill Movement. Camphill is waiting for full details of the route and the proposed mitigation measures to assess whether the impact of this route will be manageable.


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